Feel like you’re overpaying for payment fees? Here's how fees work and why you might be paying to subsidise other businesses

Sam Jennings

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Adfin and Engager.app unveil game-changing integration at Accountex North 2024

Adfin and Engager.app unveil a new integration at Accountex North 2024, simplifying payment collection for accountants with streamlined workflows and automation.
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How Neil Criddle optimised billing when acquiring new firms

Discover how Neil Criddle of Neil’s Data Consultancy scaled his accounting firm’s direct debit billing process using Adfin.
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Why getting paid is still a headache: Debunking the myths and understanding the problems

Why is getting paid still such a hassle? We explore the real issues behind invoicing headaches and how Adfin's approach can make it simpler and more efficient. Find out how!