Building the best way to get bills paid

Adfin is the first platform designed from the ground up for the specific demands of invoice payments. We give businesses the tools to get paid faster and at lower cost, across all the payment methods and communication channels that matter.

Our story

Why we started

We founded Adfin when we realised paying bills was still the worst payment experience out there - for businesses and consumers. It seemed crazy to us that decades after online payments became mainstream, bill payments were stuck in the 90s.

Paying bills got stuck in the 90s.

Businesses employing people just to send out emails and check bank accounts. Consumers manually typing in sort codes and account numbers. The ever-rising flood of fraudsters taking advantage of all this mess to exploit the unsavvy and vulnerable. As a team of fintech nerds that had been immersed in this stuff for years, we knew we could fix it and in our own small way, make the world a better place.

So this is how were born, a company with a simple mission: build the best way to get bills paid - for businesses, and consumers. It might not be sexy, but giving busy sole traders their evenings back to spend with their kids? Freeing a bookkeeper up from mundane tasks so they can do more advisory work? Making paying bills for consumers a delight, not a chore? That’s what gets us excited.

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