illustration of invoice

Payments: all-in-one

Adfin helps you to get paid with cards, bank, and direct debits in one place: intelligently managed to maximise success and minimise cost.

Intelligent payments
Pay by bank
Pay by card
Pay by direct debit
Direct bank transfer

No one size fits all

Not a payment expert? No problem! Our intelligent payment engine offers the most suitable payment options that increase payment success and reduce fees.

  • illustration of light bulb
    We manage the payment mix intelligently for you
  • illustration of puzzle symbol
    Automated reconciliation back to Xero and Quickbooks, if required
UI of Adfin application payment screen

Seamless & secure direct bank payments

Our market-leading pay-by-bank (open banking) option enables customers to approve a payment directly from their bank app with just a few clicks.

  • illustration of finger tapping
    Biometric authentication
  • illustration of bank
    Market-leading bank coverage
  • illustration of thumbs up
    Industry-leading reliability
UI of Adfin application payment screen

One-click card payments

Accept any Visa or Mastercard globally - including via Apple Pay & Google Pay - to make it fast & easy for clients to pay you on time

  • illustration of globe
    Global acceptance
  • illustration of user
    Amex support available by separate discussion
UI of Adfin application payment screen

Dynamic direct debits

World-class direct debit with automatic retries and notifications (at no extra cost) for failed payments.

  • illustration of debit card
    Direct debit
  • illustration of sync symbol
    Automatic retries
  • illustration of stack of coins
    One-time payments

Direct transfers - for those who can’t do anything else

It may be additional work for your customer, but sometimes all they can do is make a direct bank transfer. We provide them with bank details, monitor the account, and mark the request as paid in Adfin once the money arrives.

  • illustration of globe
    Universally supported, preferred by larger corporates
  • illustration of wallet
    Most currencies supported
UI of Adfin application payment screenUI of Adfin application payment screen

Payments made easy

From card payments to bank, our intelligent payments help you get paid for less

illustration of light bulb
Intelligent Payments

All payment options presented in one place

Fast settlement

Boost your cash flow with 0-2 day settlement

illustration of finger tapping
Biometric authentication

Seamless & secure payments 

illustration of bank
Open banking

Allow your clients to pay directly from their bank

Illustration of apple logo
Apple & Google Pay

Fast and easy wallet payments with cards

illustration of debit card
Direct Debit

Recurring payments made easy

illustration of sync symbol
Automatic retries

Automatically retry failed DDs with other payment options

illustration of stack of coins
One-time payments

One-time requests when direct debits fail

Illustration of stack of coins
Transparent low fees

One simple price. No nonsense

Illustration of shield with tick
Fraud protection

World-class security to keep you and your client safe

illustration of bell
Instant notifications

Get notified as soon as payments come in

Illustration of check mark
Payment status

Easily see the status of all payments at a glance

Ready to get paid?

We’re committed to working closely with every business we onboard to help you get paid as quickly as possible. Due to the high demand, you may have a short delay before going live.

Get started by booking a demo or signing up!

illustration of two hands. One holding long invoice document, and the other a mobile phone with a check mark