Change the way businesses manage their finances - for ever.

We are looking for the very best to join us. Are you ready?

Don’t join a business.
Join a team.

All good businesses should evolve fast: faster than their teams.

We were founded in April 2024 by an A-class team that has already built multi-billion businesses in banking and payments.

We are backed by the best tech investors in Europe and the founders and operators of some of Europe’s leading fintechs.

Backed by the best

What is Adfin?

Getting paid is time consuming and expensive for both businesses and payers.

Businesses deal with late and unpaid invoices, as payers have no incentives to pay quickly. Chasing late payments and failed direct debits is expensive, while any sort of adjustments, like payment plans, late fees, discounts, require significant manual effort for the business.

At the same time, businesses are paying Ecommerce card prices for low risk payments, while struggling to get adoption on lower cost payment methods. And any attempt to reduce the cost of getting paid involves managing multiple vendors and overly-complicated, often impossible reconciliation processes.

Drag and drop interface for uploading invoices, showing a PDF labeled 'Invoice 3214' being dragged into the upload area

Where are we heading?

It’s not just getting paid that’s hard. Making payments, managing cashflow, and keeping on top of bank accounts, accounting, and reporting are all time-consuming and expensive. We will harness the generational shift in capability offered by AI to streamline all financial operations for businesses.

What sort of people succeed at Adfin?

Our team is our superpower and we hire only the very best. There are no hard and fast rules, but from our experience you are likely to have these things:

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Amazing intuition

You don’t need to be told what to do: you can read a situation, figure out what needs doing, and get it done.

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Incredible speed

You are super efficient, blasting through tasks rapidly and with high quality. You might get it wrong sometimes, but you can quickly put it right.

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Generally a generalist

Handoffs create friction. The more you can do yourself, the more effectively you can execute. For that reason, we have a very flat structure and trust everyone with lots of information.

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Pretty good fun

We will hopefully be working together for a while. That is always easier if you’ve got a good sense of humour (if you say so yourself).

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Good eye for detail

Doing high quality work comes naturally to you. The fact that this point doesn’t have full stop and the others do will annoy you

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Very ambitious

We don’t work hard for the sake of it—we work smart—but you are driven and want to make something of your career. That inevitably means you lean in!

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A bit creative

And this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re Picasso. You think laterally, have the odd crazy idea, and spot things others might miss.

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In it for the long haul

Of course, if we do a bad job you’ll probably leave, but you’d like to hope you’ll be with us all the way 😊.

The best perk is working on a great mission with a  great team!

But we like to think our benefits are pretty good too:

💼 Shared ownership

Everyone owns a share of the company. No exceptions.

👶🏼 Parental leave

12 weeks’ leave at 90% salary for the primary care-giver, and 6 weeks’ leave at 90% salary for the secondary care-giver when you become a parent (or greater, if supported by local law). While this is good for a startup, we want to do much more and will be improving this policy as we grow.

✈️ Company retreats

Regular whole-company get-togethers in fun places: at least every quarter.

🥸 L&D budgets

We’ll support you with training and development related to your role, or your next role. This could be funding a course, or giving you time to work on a new skill. We’ll do our best to make it happen.

🎉 Offices

We’re a dispersed team but recognise the power of face-to-face interaction. We have offices in London (Victoria) and Iasi. We've found Engineering roles benefit less from daily face-to-face interaction, so we are flexible 4 days a week and in the office together on 1 day (although some of our engineers work full time from an office).

For other roles, we aim to be in the office together more or less full time, although we trust you to know when to get the job done and pick your hours (no-one likes a sweaty commute). Of course, life sometimes gets in the way so occasional flexibility is fine. We know this might not be for everyone, but we’ve found it has such a positive impact, it is how we have chosen to operate.

💻 Equipment

It is important to have the best tools for the job, so we will provide you with a high end Macbook Pro as well as any other key equipment. We use all the best modern software: if you find an even more efficient way of doing something, we’ll adopt it.

🏥 Medical, Pensions etc

Depending on your location, we offer other benefits including pension contributions and comprehensive private medical insurance, including extras like dental and optical cover.

What is a typical hiring process?

We move fast with hiring whilst giving you and us the chance to make a proper assessment, with typically four stages. All processes will have a task-based stage, and finish with a board interview.

We always give feedback and try to be as respectful of your time as possible.

Life at Adfin

Team gathering in Segovia 🇪🇸
Not a bad spot for a week’s offsite 🏝️
Meeting customers at events is a super fun part of the job
The moment we processed our first payment

Join the team

We look forward to meeting you!